Thursday, March 31, 2005
  The End for Terry Shiavo
Terry Schiavo Dies - From USA

Terry Schiavo - a name I have loathed hearing ever since I heard it the first time last year. A case embroiled in bitterness and folly. A case that completely demonstrates how stupid our country really is.

The right to die, indeed. More like the right to suffer interminably (if your family has anything to say about it)

What pisses me off so much about this case (among many other things) is that this should never have happened. If Michael Schiavo said she would not have wanted to live in that state, the tube should have been pulled 15 years ago. The line of decision making is from immediate family (husband, adult children) to extended family (parents, siblings) if there is are no formal instructions. The U.S. public should never have even heard of this case, much less have to see it plastered on the front page of every news magazine for the past year.

And the Florida Legislature and Jebby Bush? I am calling for their resignation right now. Actually, I am calling not only for Jeb Bush and the Florida Legislature's resignation, I am calling for George W. Bush and the U.S. legislature's resignations as well. It was not their place to intervene in this case, nor any other personal case. This sets a VERY dangerous precedent for the future in this country.

I do not look forward to what is soon going to happen in this country; all in the name of a "creating a culture of life." I certainly hope the American people will be as quick to stand up for their right to die peacefully and with dignity as they have been to "live" despite all evidence to the contrary.

Advanced Directives - From
10 Legal Myths about Advanced Directives - From the American Bar Association (ABA) web site
Links to Advanced Directive Forms for the U.S. - From

The one good thing that came from this case: That the entire nation is finally learning about advanced directives and durable powers of attorney. For too long have we been taken unawares by our own injuries and near-deaths and found ourselves in similar circumstances as Mrs. Schiavo - getting treatment we would not want. Maybe now so much spotlight has been placed on the issue, more people will complete an advanced directive or durable power of attorney.
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