Sunday, August 22, 2004
  Political BS
While I love this country (The USA, for those of you in Internet Land that don't know), one of my biggest gripes is our electoral process. While I feel that the public-at-large should have a say in who gets to represent our country, I usually find the campaign process to be wanting - badly.

Why, oh why do all politicians (who also happen to be lawyers) always promise things they never intend on doing? "No new taxes," anyone? The list of unfulfilled campaign promises (which I like to call "Pillow-talk) could go on for days.

And then there are the advertisements: "George Bush Jr., The one you want if your kids are sluts and coke addicts. Just look at his kids! - Paid for by the coalition of sluts and coke addicts" or "John Kerry: Was he really shot in Vietnam? - Paid for by the coalition for accusing people of not being injured in vietnam." Come on, people! Why can't politicians stop lying (because they're lawyers) and just say what they mean. Instead of promising "No new taxes," why don't they just say "No new taxes, so long as you make over 1 million a year and you can afford to put your money in tax shelters." Or, "Vote for me so I can ruin this country by going to war and finishing my daddy's agenda." At least, then when we vote a person in (or he buys the vote by getting his brother to falsify ballots - what was it they called those little pieces of paper? Chads? Or was it Jebs?) to the White House, we'll know what he really stands for.

I'm really tired of reading the news and every day it is one person bashing another in order to try to gain an edge. Lets talk about issues, people, and really mean it. What are you going to do about the mess that has become our involvement in Iraq and the middle east? What about healthcare? What about the malpractice crisis? What about the national debt, for crying out loud? When are we going to put some real money into alternative power research? Greenhouse gasses, overcrowding, crime, capital punishment? What are your views - and what are YOU going to do to fix the problems that we, as a country, are facing?

When are the constituents of this fine country going to stand up and shout, "WE'RE TIRED OF THIS POLITICAL BULLSHIT!" and demand some truth from our leaders. I'm tired of being fed the crap they think I want to hear, I'm tired of them catering to minorities just to get their vote and then shitting on them like all their predecessors, I'm tired of getting shat upon because I'm not a minority (although white male is quickly becoming the newest minority, and intelligent has always been a minority - I should file for minority status), I'm tired of the whole process. The electoral process needs to get thrown out the window and we need to rethink it.

Don't get me started on the impotence of the Presidency in general - even if we vote in the most thoughtful, intelligent president that actually has a conscience (i.e. is not a lawyer) and means to do what he promised on the campaign trail, you can bet Congress will not pass any bill proposed or the courts will find it unconstitutional. It seems everyone wants a piece of the legislation pie.

Now, from the above it might seem that I'm unhappy with this country - I'm not. I just don't think our government is run in the most efficient manner possible. We have aides to the aides of secretaries. Why do we need 3 people doing a secretary's job? Why do we need to spend 450 dollars on a hammer, 75 dollars on a pen and 50 dollars on a roll single-ply toilet paper? Our BUREAUCRACY needs a major overhaul - starting with the campaign trail. Just cut it out, ok? Let's stand up for our rights.

more to come....
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This is an online accounting of my experiences as a 3rd year Osteopathic medical student. The words here may be blunt and not altogether P.C., but I was never really one for political correctness. Regardless, get ready for the wild ride that is "Medical School - Year 3" Sounds sort of like one of those TLC series' doesn't it?

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