Thursday, July 08, 2004
  More Int Med
Day 3 done and into the log book. Busy day today. One of our interns was off and we changed over to a different attending, Dr. C. He's an Infectious Disease doc that works over at the HIV clinic. He's pretty cool and is so intelligent it's scary. This guy is really quick on the uptake.

Anyway, to the hospital this morning, checked in on my patient, talked to the intern, wrote a note, blah blah blah. Did some scutwork for one of the 'terns and then went up to rounds.

Once I joined the rest of the team (minus Dr. G), the resident pulls me aside and asks me to go see a couple of Dr. G's patients he hadn't been up to see.. this with rounds about to start in 5 minutes. Oh well, off I go again.

These two patients were fine, but some of the ordering from the previous day got botched up and so I had to put out those fires and get the stuff ordered - stat. It all should have been done yesterday. Ah, the wonders of county hospitals. Once that was all taken care of, I went to see these patients, both of whom looked really good. I paged the resident to find out where they were and re-joined the team. Finally meet the new attending.

So, we continue with rounds, which takes forever since Dr. C knows nothing about any of the patients on the service. Basically, it's like re-admitting everyone - presentation and all... what a mess. Anyway, we basically go on a discharging spree. I think we discharged 8-10 patients today. The old attending, Dr. R, was keeping a lot of people in the hospital for somewhat petty reasons. Dr. C basically says, "let's get all these people outta here!" So, our census goes down by half. Much fun tomorrow night when we're on call. 15 patient cap.. just remember that. 15 patient cap.

I'm really enjoying myself so far. My team is really laid back and seems to get along really well. We're all quirky in or own little way. I just wish I knew more about patient management. Oh well, off to read so I can learn something about patient management, right??

more to come...
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This is an online accounting of my experiences as a 3rd year Osteopathic medical student. The words here may be blunt and not altogether P.C., but I was never really one for political correctness. Regardless, get ready for the wild ride that is "Medical School - Year 3" Sounds sort of like one of those TLC series' doesn't it?

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