Monday, July 19, 2004
Damn, I hate mondays.

I woke up at 0430 so I could help Ashleigh get all her stuff ready to leave. That sucked (both the getting up so damn early and having Ashleigh leave). Then on top of that, I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards and so I laid in bed tossing and turning. Finally I gave up and got dressed and went up to the hospital.

While rounding on my patients, I kept having trouble getting my thoughts together. I don't know why. I figured I was just tired or something.

That is, of course, until I met up with the rest of the team and saw they were all that way.

"F'ing Monday" syndrome (FMS):

This is a complex of symptoms resulting from being on call the previous weekend and not getting any damn rest. Its signs and symptoms include:

Of course, I wasn't quite as bad off as some of the other guys - I don't know if they got as much sleep as I did on call. It's scary when the student is the most alert person on the team. That can mean things get very BAD very fast.

Fortunately, I think Dr. K noticed that we weren't really into rounding today, so we saw a few patients and then ended up finishing it up as table rounds. Of course, he had to get to clinic as well, but I don't really think that has anything to do with it.

So I'm off tomorrow. That'll be cool. I don't know what I should do with myself.

more to come...

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This is an online accounting of my experiences as a 3rd year Osteopathic medical student. The words here may be blunt and not altogether P.C., but I was never really one for political correctness. Regardless, get ready for the wild ride that is "Medical School - Year 3" Sounds sort of like one of those TLC series' doesn't it?

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