Wednesday, July 07, 2004
  Internal Medicine, Day 2
Well, I'm done with day 2. So far, so good. This morning after I wrote the last entry, I went up to the hospital, read through my patient's chart and went in to talk with my patient. Fortunately, he had a good night and had no complaints or requests (except that he would like to go home). I then performed a short exam. I then paged the intern and started writing information down for rounds. Dr. M (the intern for the patient) arrived and I presented to him and we talked about what needed to be done for the patient for the day. Afterwards, we went upstairs for rounds.

Rounds took forever. We started shortly after 0930 and didn't finish until after 1300. I didn't think we would ever get done. There was a lot of teaching during rounds, however, if you can understand what Dr. R is talking about. He's a little old and sometimes he goes into these long stories that just don't end about something completely unrelated to the case (as far as I understand it, anyway). Maybe that's just a problem with my knowledge base.

After rounds, I went back to tie up some loose ends with my patient. He has had an echocardiogram ordered for 2 days that is still not done, so I got that sorted out. He also was waiting on a stress test that apparently never got ordered. So that was also taken care of. Then I paged Dr. M again and went to meet him on the 11th floor.

There, he showed me how to access records on the computer and print out labs, etc on my patients. Now I'll have some information on my patients in the mornings. Cool.

After that, I called the rest of my team to make sure they didn't need anything and left. Came home, finished up some work for the departmental exam in IM and started doing this.

Exciting day, huh? I'm sure it'll be plenty exciting after friday (first call day).

more to come...
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This is an online accounting of my experiences as a 3rd year Osteopathic medical student. The words here may be blunt and not altogether P.C., but I was never really one for political correctness. Regardless, get ready for the wild ride that is "Medical School - Year 3" Sounds sort of like one of those TLC series' doesn't it?

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