Wednesday, July 07, 2004
  Internal Medicine, Day 1
Ok, quick note, then I have to leave for the hospital. Yesterday was day 1. We all went up to the hospital and got our name badges made, parking decals, etc. Then I joined my team. They had call the night before, so they were pretty tired. I'm glad we started on a tuesday - I wouldn't have wanted to start with call my first night.

I caught them in the middle of attending rounds. I introduced myself and then we set about running all over the hospital and seeing patients they had admitted the day/night before. It seems as though they were very busy the previous night.

After rounds were over, we went to the doctor's lounge and "ran the sheet." This is where all the interns sit down with the resident and go over what is left to be done for the day. Since they were all post-call, they were all falling asleep by this time - it was after noon.

Once everything was done there, the interns went about taking care of what was left and they told me to go home... I was home by 1400. Not too bad for day 1. They assigned me a patient they admitted yesterday, so I have to go see him this morning. I'm supposed to meet one of my interns at his room ~0830 and he'll show me the ropes as far as paperwork, computer login, etc.

that's all for now.. more to come....
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