Friday, July 16, 2004
  Ashleigh's coming home!
I just got home from the hospital and called Ashleigh because she is supposed to work only a half day today. When she answered her cellphone, we talked for a couple of minutes and I asked where she was (I heard a lot of noise in the background). SHE SAID SHE IS ON THE WAY HOME!! I am so excited. Of course, I'm on call tomorrow night, but hopefully it will be quiet and I can get some sleep so I can stay up on sunday and hang out with her... I'm so excited!

Anyway, work was work. It was nice to be off early today. I like Dr. K - he's smart and he rounds fast, so we can get our stuff done and be out of there at a decent hour. Pretty sweet in my book. That way I can get home and do other stuff (like waste time on here and SDN). And study - some.

I just haven't felt very motivated to study lately. I'm just having fun taking care of my patients and reading about their problems. I'm hoping that will get me through most of it.

I had to give a presentation on Infective Endocarditis today. So yesterday I spent most of the day after getting done at the hospital doing research about IE. I had no idea how detailed he wanted it, so I think I went overboard (especially compared to the interns that were also presenting.) My take was I'm getting graded for this and they aren't, so I have to do more than them anyway or I'll get screwed in the end. So I did. The thing that kind of pissed me off was that afterI finished, all Dr. K said was "Good Job."

Of course, he didn't have to add anything to my presentation like he did the others - so I guess I should be proud of that.

more to come...
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This is an online accounting of my experiences as a 3rd year Osteopathic medical student. The words here may be blunt and not altogether P.C., but I was never really one for political correctness. Regardless, get ready for the wild ride that is "Medical School - Year 3" Sounds sort of like one of those TLC series' doesn't it?

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